Thursday, March 12, 2015

Please Read This!

I have a very new one for you, one that completely stole my heart. Hard to do now, unless Gabriel Garcia Marquez can publish in heaven. Kazuo Ishiguro captures a nuance of life's mysteries in The Buried Giant, a fantasy. I know you think it will be like the Hobbit. Nope, it deals with something those of us that are aging or have a loved who is or perhaps someday will be.
If you need to get away for a little while, a need to be somewhere free from the modern world, pick up this book. I know, you say, I don't read fantasy. Yes, there is a quest, but the characters and situations are unique. The protagonists are elderly. In fact, their village has taken away their candle because they are afraid they are so old they will endanger the village with a fire. Sound a little like taking away the car keys? Well, the real greatness of the story is this couples' relationship which as you will see is not without troubles. It is in the main theme of memory(it's good and bad sides) that Ishiguro develops a nagging kernel of consternation within the reader. I can't seem to let it go. When I finished the book, I was in one of those rare states that transcend. Try it, I hope you agree.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great book. I will have to add it to my never-ending stack of "books I plan to read" and then actually read it.
